Hello beautiful, i've just returned from msia. Learnt some stuffs important in life from my 25+ years old cousin there. Do take your time to read this. Yes it's wordy but i think its really worth your time.
First, lets talk about karma(kahr-muh). For your information, he experienced something he didn't want to. He got into a car accident and got one of his legs broken and had been hospitalised for months. Till now, it has not fully recovered and may not. His leg get tired easily and will hurt if he stand for too long.
Before the day he got into the terrible accident, while walking past a temple, a young girl dressed in torn and tattered clothes with dirty face that seemed to be unwashed for days approached him and asked-
"哥哥, 我的肚子 很饿, 可以给我一点钱吗?" (Mister, i'm really hungry. Could you give me some money please?)
He had 10 bucks with him at that time, so he only gave her $2.50 and she ran and got a burger. The very next fateful day, he got into that accident.
What do you think would have happened if he refused to give her any money?-
He might have his life taken away.
Karma do exist. it is very important to share your happiness with those less fortunate ones. It's not about the money, it's about the heart that counts. No one would ask you to donate thousands if you only had hundreds.
If you have ten bucks with you, donate like half of it. But for a wealthier person, its a different case. If you are a millionaire, donate 500k, something like that. Money is essential, but sharing is even more important.
Karma doesn't necessarily act on you. It may find your love ones and they will take your place instead when you should be the one suffering. Who knows what can karma actually do to you. It may cost money, relationships, blood, organs and the life of your family.
There are times when we receive misery when we had done noting wrong. It may the doings of the people around you or just pure destiny. Learning to accept misfortunes is really important too.
Never ever go around, telling people you don't like to go to hell-- or Hades might want you by his side instead.
Do you have really unreasonable parents? Yes I have.
Ever wished you were born from a different family? Yes I have
Feel like running away from home? Yes I have
Sometimes you just wanna wish them dead even though they gave you your life. Parents provide one of the greatest love no one can ever give you.
They get mad when you do terribly for your exams, when you do the wrong thing, lost your fucking 2007 nokia phone. The question is, are they really mad?
Yes they are because they care. They are afraid you cannot take care of yourself when they are not around anymore. Little habits can lead to BIG problems when you get older.
Some parents don't know how to express or might feel embarrassed to say their true feelings, but all in all it's all because they love you. Tell me, would a normal person cared if you lost your fucking wallet or handphone?
Sad to say, some friends also don't give a fuck too. (That's not really the topic haha)
Also try not to bring your 'bad side' along to your parents. Like if you are sooooo fucking mad and thus went out drinking, drink outside, calm the fuck down then return home. Don't drink, drunk and come home, vent your fucking anger on your parents. Hey... they feel sad you know. They feel helpless for not teaching you properly and will blame themselves.
Sooooo, respect and love and appreciate your mama and papa! Well, its a different case if you have abusive parents... :\
Alright byebyebybyebye really sorry for not having any pictures xx
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