Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Why people don't like me I

I'm honest. I observe and judge A LOT and i know people hate to be judged but its my nature. I try not to do that but end up doing it. I can be an extreme criticizer-- but honest! It's not because of i don't like you so i must criticise you. It's really hard to believe but I really love getting the best out of everyone. I like it when they change for the better.

I get angry easily(if you are close to me and did something i didnt like) and find it a tough job to trust others. Whenever I see mean status, tweets or comments I would always think they would be talking about me. There's this Confucius' saying- "平时不做亏心事,半夜不怕鬼敲门。 " "If you had not done anything guilty, you would not be afraid to open your door when the doorbell rings during midnight."

Yeah, it can be applied to my situation.. but no! I am pretty sure I did nothing mean or bad. Even if I did, how the fuck would I know if no one tells me about it? -_- I am a human. I get sad. When we get sad. We might do things without thinking twice. I understand that very much.

Okay, let's treat it as there's someone who don't like me and doesn't tell me. Great. So whatever I would be doing would be annoying to you. So it's my fault? REALLY? Bitch really? So must I suck it up when I don't know what the fuck did I do to cause you to dislike me?

Does it even make sense?

I really wish that there would be NO HATRED. Maybe it's me thinking too much, creating my very own self mind fucking illusions.

Let's pretend those status/tweets/comments are really about me.

The situation can change if people tell me what they don't like about me. YES, i don't like knowing i made a mistake but i cannot deny it... it would make me mad and sad too but it's better than lying and telling others about it. Alright maybe you are sad like me so you did all this to... i don't know. But i am very sure i don't do things like this out of anger.

So what's your motive? Are you giving up on me? If so, quit writing unfriendly stuffs. If you want me to know, tell me personally...

...because I hate not meeting people's expectation(s) of me...

(as for the title there would probably be a follow up hahahaa so explains the title)

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