Hi. Just now i experienced something really scary lol. You might find it unbelievable so it's up to you to decide.
Yes i did not attend school so i went back to sleep. I was dreaming at first.... I forgot what i was dreaming.. it's not scary but typical then i woke up.
I tried to move but I cannot move. Please don't call it numb because it's not. I can contract my muscles perfectly fine but it won't move. NOT A SINGLE MILLIMETER. My hands, my head, my legs the entire body won't move. It feels like as if my body isn't mine anymore. I have zero control over it. It's like your body parts weigh so fucking heavy all of a sudden and you don't know what the fuck happened to you. Won't move won't listen, nothing.
My eyes can only be semi-opened. The room looks so bright and blur... and shaky. My pupils were hastily scanning around the room. This may sound more unbelievable than the rest but I can feel an impact on my chest. I REALLY AM NOT EXAGGERATING. I can breathe just fine and still panicking.
So i tried to speak. I CAN'T SPEAK A FUCKING THING. This feeling is totally different from you acting like as if you cannot speak. It feels like vacuum.
The surrounding is really, really extremely quiet. Scarily silent. All you can hear is the 'tooooot' sound you'd hear whenever you are in a really quiet place. But this time, it's louder than usual. The sound can be heard more prominently on my left ear.
Again, i tried to move but to no avail.
Don't laugh at this okay! so I said my prayings which I don't usually do........ FYI, i'm Buddhist. Well, I said it in my heart for like a minute while trying to free myself from whatever is causing this. Soon, I began to regain back my control over my body.
I moved a little.
AND WHAT THE FUCK *BAM*!!! The impact suddenly became stronger. It was decreasing steadily for just a moment ago!!! So i prayed and prayed so it was gone after like 1 to 2 mins.
After it was gone, it left my chest stinging(really did)(chest not boobs) and right arm hurts too. Was pretty weak then fine again.
Can someone please tell me what the fuck happened?
I remember one of my friend told me that her grandmother told her such stuffs happened because in your past life you did something bad to someone and that someone's soul came back for revenge and would do such things to you.
Alright i would never want to experience this anymore. If you think i made this post for fun, fame, or any kinds of reason I understand because I, too, did not kinda believe it when people told me about such phenomenon.
Guess karma found me. (an ealier post on karma: http://p-i-x-i-e.blogspot.com/2011/09/karma.html)
Anyone experienced it before or know some tidbits about it?
PS it's NOT lucid dreaming
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