Sunday, October 30, 2011

A mini confession about my current life

  kinda miss having girl friends but it's alright to have guy friends instead. It might turn out even great. I really am having the urge to stand up for myself but nah, i realised it's best to ignore it. I'm not mad nor sad but to think that it actually sort of shock me, i'm surprised that i was surprised. I'm astonished that you are becoming one of the meanest people i would have met. Guess what? You are drifting away from the kinder you. Or is it me just thinking that you are a nice person. Nevertheless, I have not smiled and laughed and become myself for a fucking long time that much since yesterday. Thanks guys :-) And also those who asked me not be sad, don't worry i am not and thanks for being so kind.

PS except for period problems i guess the rest are great HAHAHA!!! (i'm not sure if this is relevant)


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