Friday, October 28, 2011

Dear (your crush),

"We love you very much. Do you know that when you treat us a little nicer than the rest of your girl friends, it makes us happy and full of hope? Please don't treat us like come and go... although it's hard because you might be unaware of how we are feeling for you. Please fight for us as soon as possible. Some other guys out there might steal our heart little by little though some part of our heart would might already be yours permanently. Sometimes, please start the conversation. Not because we don't want to put in effort, it's because we are afraid we might annoy you. We want you to feel happy and comfortable whenever you are with us. Every funny little things you do tickles our heart and sweetens the very air in our lungs. If possible, we just might want to stare at you for the whole day. Thank you for making us laugh unknowingly. Why are you so adorable? Every action you'd do stands out amazingly to us. You might think that teasing is a good way to get close to us but no. Instead we will feel incompatible to you and not good enough for you and it will affect us for a long time. We wanna get close to you and smell you, cuddle with you do silly stuffs we you. Sorry if we are thinking too much because it makes us happy and hopeful when we think how both of us would look like if we are together. It might not be love but we are willing to invest our time with you and hope we might just be the one for each other. We want to talk to you, we want to be your somebody, we want to laugh with you, we want to be able to love you. Please notice us. We don't want this feeling to fade."
-XO, your secret crush.

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