Tuesday, October 25, 2011

My past art: Characters from my imagination

I only selected a few interesting ones.

Did it when i was around pri 6. I was really addicted to maplestory so i think i did this which is probably once my dream character HAHAHA!

My audition character, xBITCHY, now Nanami-Chan. Did it when i was around sec 1 or 2!

Ever watched bleach? There was this episode where they had a battle with the 'arrancars' so i made myself an arrancar character. Yes please go ahead and laugh. Completed around sec 1 ~ 2

Inspired by maplestory AGAIN. Wanted to portray a tough female pirate so.... and if you are wondering what was written on the paper, its "You don't like whom I am?" "Scram then" I KNOW!! It should be "you don't like who I am?" Completed around sec 1 ~ 2

A character I created. One of my proudest work when i was little. Completed during pri 5

Did I ever mention I had a celebrity crush on taemin before? HAHAHA yea so i drew him(which suck obviously) inspired by the 'lucifer' bad boy theme. Dear me. THE HEAD IS TOO LARGE. Completed last year.

One of my proudest work too. But it can be done better. Completed this year.

Sec 3 EOY board 1 paper 1 picture 1

Sec 3 EOY board 1 paper 1 picture 2

Sec 3 EOY board 1 paper 1 picture 3

Sec 3 EOY board 2 paper 1.

Sec 3 EOY board 3 paper 1. yes, i am kinda proud of this work.

Sec 3 EOY board 4 paper 1.-uncompleted-

Some bitch staring at the sky. Completed this year.

My Olvls paper 2 board 1 picture 1. I will not reveal any more until my Os art has finished! 

Sooo, what do you think? X

PS there is still a WHOLE sheet of drawings that I  did not touch because I was too lazy to touch them... will show them when i find time... after my Os.
PSS I will get hurt if you say they are ugly lol. i really mean it.


  1. Sec 3 EOY was damn nice sia!! >< wish i could draw.

    O'level boards look so realistic. I WANNA DRAW NICE NICE TOO!! =/

  2. omg all damn nice :) !!!!!!!!!!!
