Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Outing with pretty babes

We went to ceneleisure and enjoyed each other's company there. It was Sunday and celebrated tzemin's birthday!

Yujing and I ^

The hottie, the bitch(since that's what some people like to call me anyway -_-) and the sexypie.

After that we went to tzemin's house... the only child in the family who lives with 9 nine cats and a dog. Pretty amazing right? I swear i am awestruck.. really i love her cats and her dog all of them are so adorable! There is manyi, xiao bu dian, hua hua, baobao, orh-bin and i forgot the rest of the cats' name and xiao bai which is the dog's name.

We played with Yujing's camera there! Taken loads of pictures xx We drew mustaches for each other and guess what? Mine turned out soooooooooooooooo ugly. So i kinda photoshopped them away.

A before and after
I know my lips at the after has been distorted HAHAHA!!! And tell me why is there a mole on it....
 i'm really lazy to do it all over again so yea it's okay if you call me pig.

My center parting line still insisted on staying.

Don't laugh...

now you see why i photoshopped away the mustache because look at yujings and MINE LOL. Her's so high-class like and look at mine... MINE.

YOU SEE MINE!!! MINE OBVIOUSLY BELONGS TO THOSE HUMSUP(pervert) UNCLE'S MUSTACHE. So cannot blame me okie hehehe xoxo

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