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Celebrated Ang Tze Min's birthday a day earlier at ceneleisure by surprising her with a kawaii cute caramel chocolate cake and apparently have no picture of it which is probably a small laughing matter. SO, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! xoxo
yes, some of you might know that I had a tiff with 2 of my friends and lost them. I am not sure if i will do a post on it... When this happened, she was the only one who stood by me, accepting the worst of me, making me feel like there is someone who actually cares. She deserves my very best as she has seen the worst of me and did not left my side.
"If you cant handle me at my worst, then you don't deserve me at my best" - Marilyn Monroe.
Thank you for being there and i have to say this... i am extremely blessed to have such a loving friend by my side. I really should have known you earlier. If you ever need a ear, i will run coming.