Riddle 1# It was raining heavily, the wind was blowing strongly and many lightnings were seen flashing across the grey sky. There were 2 equally tall buildings standing right beside each other and in between these 2 buildings, there was a tree, shorter in height than the buildings. Question, why did the tree got struck by lightning instead of the taller buildings?
Answer: Because the tree sway(suey/suay), which means unlucky in english. It's a pun, got it? x)
Riddle 2# How do you put a giraffe into the refrigerator?
Answer: Open the refrigerator, put in the giraffe and close it!
Riddle 3# How do you put in an elephant into the refrigerator?
Answer: Open the refrigerator, take out the giraffe and place the elephant in it and then close the refrigerator!
Riddle 4# There was a chinese, malay, caucasian and an indian in a plane. Suddenly, the plane malfunctioned and the pilot announced that the passengers need to jump off the plane. The chinese jumped off the place while praying and survived. The malay jumped off the plane while saying it prayers and survived. The caucasian jumped off while praying and survived too. Why did the Indian not survived when it also prayed?
Answer: The chinese prayed 'amitabha' and Buddha saved him. The malay said it's prayers and Allah saved him. The caucasian prayed and read lines from the Bible and Jesus saved him. The indian prayed but was not saved because the elephant is in the refrigerator! Lol! (If you are easily offended by racist jokes, please do not read this and PS I am not a racist person)
Hope you enjoyed them xx Oh, and Happy Tang Yuan Day!
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