This is how i do my everyday go-out make-up look. Black & brown eyeliner + lip gloss + coloured contacts(which i RARELY wear them out and is using them for the sake of looking better in flash)
Love this pic^. Reminds me of a blooming sunflower.
Yea i edited my hair colour for this picture^.
FYI it's my first time wearing lower lashes and it's not that bad at all! ;) But i'm gonna stick with my usual make-up though haha.
I have been pondering this for quite awhile... I've realised there's quite a lot of teenage girls who don't trim their eyebrows and I have no idea why! I mean trimmed eyebrows make you look elegant and enhances your charisma, plus doesn't messy or maybe bushy eyebrow don't kinda look that nice? Not to mention, trimmed eyebrows compliments your eyes in a silent kind of way-- to put it simply, it definitely looks better than untrimmed eyebrows. No offence, really. Just an advice(or question) to those who don't trim their brows.
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